L’shana Tovah!
It’s upon us very soon.  The renewal of our year, 🌑 🌙 followed soon by our deepest innermost day of reflection.👤
Latifa and I are preparing and looking forward to davvening with you. 
On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, when we stand, ready to “receive” the Torah, and before we read from it, we will – as we always do – chant these lines:
Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad. Listen Israel, Infinite Everpresent Beingness, our godliness, [are] One Infinite Everpresent Beingness.
Echad Eloheinu, Gadol Adoneinu, Kadosh Shemo. One is our godliness, large is our Infinite Everpresent Beingness, holiness is its name.
The melodic line for chanting these words is different for these holidays and we use both a Sephardic and an Ashkenazi version. 
The attached music files may help you to learn or remember the melody.

Sephardic Shema w_EchadEloheinu

Ashkenazi Shema wEchad Eloheinu




